A place to meet the living God

Encounter in our center
"Beit Al Liqa'"

We are pleased to welcome you to our website! Beit Al Liqa' is a Christian organization that passionately works for the well-being of people in the region. Our goal is to proclaim God's love and promote fellowship and education for families and individuals while providing a welcoming environment for pilgrims and travellers. Enjoy the warm atmosphere of our house and discover the historical sites and breathtaking scenery surrounding Bethlehem.

Veranstaltungen und Aktuelles

Stiller Start in den Advent mit Christoph Zehendner Assaf Zeevi

Stiller Start in den Advent

26.11. - 02.12.2023

Der bekannte Journalist & Liedermacher Christoph Zehendner und der Bestseller-Autor & Reiseleiter Assaf Zeevi laden zusammen mit Johnny und Marlene Shahwan ins Beit Al Liqa' ein. Kommt zu uns! Wir freuen uns auf Euch.

Mehr Infos und Anmeldung:



15 Menschen erzählen ihre persönliche Geschichte

15 Menschen erzählen ihre persönliche Geschichte Israel bewegt und fasziniert viele Menschen. Gleichzeitig gibt es keine Nation, über die so heiß diskutiert wird. Hier erzählen 15 Menschen, darunter auch Marlene Shahwan, ihre persönliche Geschichte mit Israel. Und was ihnen die Motivation gibt, sich für Israel zu engagieren - über so manche Hindernisse hinweg.


Our Community & Training Center

We are grateful to be able to offer a variety of services for families and children, including our daycare center and our indoor playground, "PeaceArk."

Our mission is to create a warm and welcoming environment where people of all ages can come together to form friendships, grow together, and experience God's love.

Guest House

Beit Al Liqa' is a place of encounter for people from all over the world, a perfect spot to meet friends and mingle with the locals.

A large garden, a cosy cafeteria and a delightful terrace with a panoramic view of Bethlehem make our guest accommodation your home away from home in the Holy Land. And of course, free Wi-Fi is available, too. Both an outdoor and indoor playground for all year-round fun are available to our little guests. Our indoor pool is welcoming our visitors throughout the year.

Beit Al Liqa' is located in Beit Jala, a little more than four miles from Jerusalem and around one mile from Bethlehem. With a convenient public transport system in place, it is easy to get around and about.


What guests say about us:

Whenever I take a tour group to Israel, a visit to Beit Al Liqa' is a must. The Center is not a holy island cut off from the rest of the world, but a place of hope in a challenging place. God is at work there. And it is obvious that Jesus, whose birthplace is just a few miles away, is the Master of the house - thank God! We’ll be back for sure!

Christoph ZehendnerJournalist, theologian & Christian singer-songwriter, Germany

I have been to Beit Al Liqa' several times. From the very first visit, I immediately felt comfortable in this house. I felt taken care of in an atmosphere of hospitality that not only made my life here pleasant but also made me feel that I am among fellow Christians who strive to make this place a meeting point in this city. Since then, I have always been happy to come back here.

Manfred Siebald im Beit Al Liqa
Manfred SIebaldTheologian & Christian singer-songwriter, Germany

As one of the first groups to stay at the brand new guest house at Beit Al Liqa' while touring the Holy Land, we didn’t regret our choice for one minute! It is an accommodation we can highly recommend. We will certainly set up base there again on our next trip. It is obvious that there are devoted Christians at work there. Something definitely worth supporting.

Alexander & Caroline SchickTheologian & Dead Sea Scrolls expert, Germany